Data Security at Trump Era

Roberto Barbosa
4 min readAug 21, 2017

Can information, true or false, be used as weapons?

Before, facing a threat against his freedom, belief or rights was a physical threat. Man used to be willing to fight for his territory, by grabbing an arm and defend his nation. Man also believed on his nation and his Commander in Chief, trusted that the country would protect him, his family and his home.

The warfare, the battle field and target have changed over the time. But Information warfare always played a crucial role. Julius Caesar had to address this by means of hiding information. Information warfare using technology was also strongly present on the second world war using cypher machines.

Enigma Machine

More and more, the destruction weapons are being replaced by information and communication technology. The World today and our assets are turning virtual with soft boundaries and borders, with volatile barriers and harder to provide its protection. Information Technology controls almost all types of resources in society.

Software is eating the World.

Information Warfare

Governments are in responsible to provide general population welfare. They must make sure the country and its people are kept safe. The same applies to institutions being private or public that provide services for people.

In an era of information, Internet of Everything as called, at every minute, there is more information generated than from pre-history to recent years. Information is power, still.

Warfare evolved over time, and information weapons today are make use of information and communication technology, information warfare or cyberwarfare. Not all ordinary person possesses the knowledge and resources to fight this battle, to process this huge and complex volumes of data, to extract knowledge and intelligence, and finally to develop protection mechanisms.

What really concerns everyone today, is that targets are not only Governments and Institutions, but also Individuals. Current information warfare uses human-related aspects of information, including (amongst many others) social network analysis, decision analysis and the human aspects of command and control.

“Humans are the most vulnerable factor of any attack conducted, no matter how high are your walls.”

Information Society

Entrepreneurs today with Information and technology open new trade routes and economic opportunities as it did in the past with sail routes discovered by Vasco da Gama, Fernão Magalhães, Cristovão Colombo and Marco Polo.

Maps were used by navigators and other types of information was also used to help the World advance. Darwin, Galileo, Pythagoras, Archimedes, and Paccioli made significant contributions. This will not change ever:

information is capital and a valuable asset


From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Article 3: “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”

We are in favour for justice, fair market, fair reward and fair living. In others words we support good people, good business, good money and why not a good, enriched and fulfilling life for everyone.

We believe we are living a phenomenal and exciting time for mankind to innovate, change the Word, improve life, solve health and hunger problems, enjoy living and pursue dreams.

Safety vs Security

Big Institutions and Governments have resources to address such threats as the cyber threats we face today. But not all realize and proactively address the cyber threat adequately.

In German language, the word security, “sicherheit”, is used both for safety and security. Let’s start by distinguishing and learn about the definition of these both terms:

  1. Safety has as much of emotional as of physical characteristics, where the word comes from Old French sauvete, refering to a kind of immunity to a risk or hazard, creating an emotional state of well-being and of being protected.
  2. Security is the process put in place to ensure the above defined safety.
Security vs Safety

So, in the old times, people in order to ensure its safety they would have to arm themselves with physical destruction weapons to protect the physical boundaries that once crossed, could jeopardise their physical safety.

Today, we can be attacked by someone that is really out of our physical reach by thousands of kilometers. In an information age the weapons for attacking and defending have changed in shape and reach. To handle this one requires and depend on data, information, knowledge and intelligence.

Ooh-la-la, more intertwined words! So, what is precisely the difference between information, knowledge and intelligence? Ok, no need to Google it, let’s straighten this up now and here, before us proceeding.

Knowledge is the collection of skills and information a person has acquired through experience. Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge.

Clear as crystal.


I finish saying that definitely there are huge challenges that we are facing in this Information Era, the Internet of Everything.

But, the World will not stop evolving and changing, and gladly it is a awesome era that we are living and there are huge opportunities for everyone to pursue and fulfill their dreams.

I will let you go in peace with a fine quote from the Game of the Thrones:

Word out

Roberto Barbosa



Roberto Barbosa

Physics Engineer by Education, Architecture and Data Engineer by trade, entrepreneur at heart.